PRP for Hair Restoration


What Is PRP Therapy?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, therapy is a technique that has been used for dozens of applications since the 1970s. Primarily, PRP therapy has been used to treat sports injuries without the need for surgery. In recent years, PRP therapy has become much more commonplace for achieving aesthetic goals.

What Is the PRP Hair Restoration Process?

PRP hair restoration involves a three-part process. To achieve your desired results, you may need two or three treatments spaced roughly four to six weeks apart. You may also find you need maintenance treatments every four to six months. Here is what is involved in PRP therapy for hair restoration:

The First Step

First, you will have your blood drawn. Typically, your arm is used as the donor site of the blood. Then, your blood is put into a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a highly advanced machine that rapidly spins to separate fluids of different densities.

The Second Step

After the centrifuge spins for about 10 minutes, your blood will be separated into three distinct components. The first component is platelet-poor plasma. This component is not helpful in PRP hair restoration.

The second component is platelet-rich plasma, which is what will be used to restore your hair. The third and final component of your blood which is separated in the centrifuge is your red blood cells.

The Third Step

Using a syringe, we will draw the platelet-rich plasma up. Then, we will inject it into the areas of your scalp that require increased hair growth. After two to three months, you will start to notice an improvement in hair volume.

Within six months to a year, you should be fully satisfied with the results of PRP therapy. Just remember that you will need to come in for follow-up treatments to maintain your luscious, luxurious locks.

Why Does PRP Therapy Work for Hair Restoration?

Put simply, when you inject platelet-rich plasma into the scalp, the stem cells in your hair root are awoken. PRP therapy results in hair restoration by stimulating the growth of new hair from previously dormant follicles, strengthening and thickening your existing hairs. When the volume of your hairs is increased, they take up more surface area, covering more of your scalp.

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP Therapy?

Because PRP therapy is non-invasive, nearly everyone is a good candidate for this hair restoration treatment. During your initial consultation, we will help you determine if this treatment is a good fit for you. Be sure to bring in a list of all medications you are taking as well as any supplements and herbs.